Performance Management Program

In September of 2018, the City began publicly sharing the results of a new Performance Management Program on your city government. Managed by the Office of Accountability, Performance, and Innovation (api), the system reports on progress on four objectives for the city.

For each objective, the city has established two measurable key results, which can be tracked by specific metrics. The objectives were set by the Mayor and Department Heads to achieve a new vision and mission for the City. For the foreseeable future, the objectives will stay the same. However, the key results and metrics will be periodically updated. When a key result is achieved, it will be made more challenging or replaced with another priority.


  • Achieve fiscal sustainability.
  • Increase economic investment and neighborhood stability.
  • Provide quality constituent engagement and response.
  • Deliver City services effectively, efficiently, and equitably.

See our program results at, and read performance success stories below!

On the Blog: Success Stories



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